Is Eby tone deaf?

Guest: Rob Shaw, legislature reporter at CHEK News

In this edition of Journal, we examine what just happened in our provincial election.

We should probably start at the beginning – what happened to the BC Liberals?

I was elected in 2005 as a BC Liberal, which, at the time, represented a coming-together of the more central Liberals and the Conservatives of BC.

But as we mostly know, it was not a happy or easy coalition. I doubt I went anywhere in my role

without those who were more conservative, complaining about the name. They hated the “Liberal” label and they were definitely NOT federal Liberals.

So I am not going to jump on Kevin Falcon and blame the loss of the election on the name change. Obviously, it wasn’t handled well and surely not marketed well.

So what now?

I served when Gordon Campbell had a slim majority and that meant that when the legislature was sitting, we had to be present in the building until 9pm, in case the opposition introduced a

motion of non-confidence. When that happens, the bells ring and everyone present runs to the legislature before the doors are locked.

If someone is sick on your side, or maybe off to dinner, the government can fall.

Premier Eby is in a much more precarious situation. And even though he and the Greens may be friendly on a number of issues, what happens to LNG expansion which the Greens oppose? Or involuntary care for those with severe mental disabilities?

So, good luck to Premier Eby. This is not going to be easy.

He indicated he listened to voters – but has he?

To discuss this election and what our government is going to look like going forward is someone who has watched every moment of this drama – Rob Shaw, the senior political reporter for CHEK News.

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